All in Diabetes Management


In today's video, I discuss HYPOGLYCEMIA in diabetes and what NURSE PRACTITIONERS need to keep in mind when managing and treating our patients. This would include how to treat hypoglycemia and proper patient education. This is a topic that I believe can be glossed over because it is so common in diabetes mellitus but that is the very reason we should cover hypoglycemia in diabetes periodically...because it is common!

The African American Diabetic and Kidney Disease

Hey Guys! In today's video, I am discussing the African American diabetic and Kidney Disease. Did you know that Diabetes Mellitus is leading cause Kidney Disease across all major races but the African American has an even higher risk of all? I discuss this and more so take a listen. Also, see below the videos mentioned in the video and other helpful links.

Self Care Management for Diabetes (Type 2)

Welcome back guys!!! In today's video, I'm discussing self care management for diabetes type 2 derived from the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE). I give a brief overview of their AADE7 Self Care Behaviors. These self care behaviors not only help someone know how to treat blood glucose but also help aid with diabetes education. These seven self care behaviors can steer your education for your diabetic patients.

HEALTHY EATING | The Patient Corner

HEALTHY EATING | The Patient Corner Hey All! This is the first official video from the new segment, The PATIENT Corner! Over the next number of videos, I would like to lay a good foundation and cover the American Association of Diabetes Educators' Self-Care Behaviors. These behaviors are a GREAT place to start when managing your patients diagnosed with diabetes. It’s a great starting place with diabetes management & diabetes education. I’m a firm believer in not recreating the wheel so as nurse practitioners this is a great resource! First up is HEALTHY EATING!

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Introducing...THE PATIENT CORNER!!!

Introducing...The Patient Corner!!! // Welcome to THE PATIENT CORNER segment of Kim E. The Diabetes NP Channel!!! My name is Kim E. and I have a love and passion for prediabetes and Diabetes Mellitus Type 2. While I have been creating content for Nurse Practitioners desiring to improve their Diabetes Management & Education skills, I have received a slew of questions from those diagnosed with diabetes. I thought it would be a great idea to make a segment on my channel geared toward patient education.

Goal Setting for Nurse Practitioners | SMART Goals

Routinely, we should get into a habit of looking at your practice and patients as a whole and access where you are and where you want to go to improve the health quality of your patients. Setting goals as nurse practitioners is a crucial part of the care we provide. Getting in the habit of goal setting in 2020 will set your patients up for success!! In today's video, I discuss goal setting for the nurse practitioner and a common way to do that through SMART Goals. To assist you in goal setting for the nurse practitioner, download your FREE SMART Goal Workbook below to help you organize your goal planning for the year!

Dopamine Receptor Agonists | What NURSE PRACTITIONERS Need To Know in DIABETES MANAGEMENT

Dopamine Receptor Agonists | What You Need To Know // In this video, I discuss the Dopamine Receptor Agonists which includes the drug Bromocriptine.

This drug class has an unknown Mechanism of Action but effects the postprandial glucose. It’s similar to the Alpha Glucosidase Inhibitors and lowers the Hgb A1c minimally about 0.1-0.4%. Your ideal patient has a mildly elevated blood glucose and it’s used as an adjunct therapy, not as a monotherapy. Below, I’ve linked the YouTube video and the FREE cheat sheet for your viewing.