Insulin Resistance
Let’s dive into INSULIN RESISTANCE! Insulin Resistance is the prominent problem in many diabetics. We actually start to see it in prediabetes and knowing that prediabetes is reversible, you guessed it…so is insulin resistance! In today’s post, we are going to explore what it is, what causes it, and how it can be prevented and treated. Let’s get into it…
What is Insulin Resistance?
To understand the pathophysiology of insulin resistance, we must first understand the normal process of insulin and its role with the transport of glucose into the cells (see image above). When food is consumed, it’s broken down to the simple sugar glucose. Glucose is an energy source & our bodies love it, but it is a large molecule & needs assistance with getting into the cells so it can be used. Insulin is that assistance. In normocemic person, insulin binds to receptors on the cell (like a lock & key) & channels on the cell open & glucose goes in the cell. But with a person with insulin resistance, that receptor becomes defective & insulin can’t bind properly…it’s resistant to the present insulin. Now the pancreas being signaled that there is an elevated level of glucose in the bloodstream, cranks out more insulin to compensate and can continue to do this for years. In fact, a person can go anywhere from 7-12 years with elevated blood glucose undetected. Around about the 9th year, the pancreas begins to fail and tire and this is usually when we pick it up clinically. Now imagine if we detect this earlier especially in high risk groups? How many people could we prevent from developing diabetes? Also, for the diabetic experiencing insulin resistance, if we understand the process going on, how detrimental would it be by adding a medication like a SULFONYLUREA to the mix? We literally are causing an overworked pancreas to work even more! These are things to consider and if you need a refresher over the sulfonylurea med class, I’ll link the YouTube video below. I’ll also link below the med cheat sheet I created. It’s apart of my FREE NP Diabetes Starter Pack and you’ll get all of the drug classes as well as other great resources for nurse practitioners.
What causes Insulin Resistance?
The common causes of Insulin Resistance are as follows:
Sedentary lifestyle (Physical activity <3x/wk)
Genetic factors can increase your Risks like certain races
Being ages 45 & older
Gestational Diabetes
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (see my last post over PCOS >HERE<)
Now keep in mind that a person without all of these can develop insulin resistance and/or diabetes but these are the typical causes seen in the general poplulation.
How is it prevented and treated?
Lifestyle modifications…For prevention & treatment! Referring back to the above, lifestyle changes can rectify many of the above. Lifestyle modifications can repair the insulin receptor defect decreasing the need for overproduction by the insulin and allowing the glucose to enter into the cells properly. If you need a refresher over LIFESTYLE MODIFICATIONS as well as FOOD GUIDELINES FOR DIABETES, I got you covered. I made videos over both of those topics HERE & HERE!
Alright, guys! That’s it for now! Of course, I made a video over INSULIN RESISTANCE (see below) and if you are not apart of my YouTube fam, go ahead and SUBSCRIBE to my channel, Kim E. The Diabetes NP! Until next time…